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Just Kids

Just Kids - Patti Smith

So far the book that I'm reading, Just Kids by Patti Smith, is about her in her early twenty's when she gets bored with her life in Jersey, and moves to New York to explore the world in 1960. For weeks she is homeless. living on the street without a job. Soon after, she finds a part time job at a small jewelry store. After working there for a couple weeks, a charming boy in his mid twenty's comes into the shop and buys the Persian necklace she has been eyeballing for a while. Days later Patti gets asked out to dinner by her much older, creepy boss. Not wanting to lose her job and being starved from living off scraps, she hesitantly accepts his request. After dinner, her and her boss are walking through Central Park when he asks to go back to his place and have a drink and really get to know each other. Panicking, she looks around for an answer. She looks up and by the fountain is the boy from the jewelry shop who bought the Persian necklace is walking through with groceries. She hurries over to him and grabs his arm, not knowing his name and says "This is my boyfriend John, he stopped by the store to grab groceries and now I think we should be headed home. Thanks for dinner!" She then finds out the boys name is Bob but she chooses to call him Robert. They start spending time together, both being homeless in New York, and they then rent an apartment together. The rest of the story is how they fall in love and how life in the 60's is.